A Tragic Loss for the Park

Kentucky Coffee Tree destroyed in storm

Dear Neighbors and Friends of Jefferson Square,

On Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020, a violent early storm blew through Philadelphia causing massive tree damage around the city and in our park. The 80mph gusts were powerful enough to topple the 150 year-old Kentucky coffee tree off of its trunk. The beloved tree was one of the oldest and largest of its kind in the state of Pennsylvania and its loss is devastating to those familiar with the park.  In addition to the loss of the Kentucky Coffee, a mature cherry tree was destroyed when the canopy of the Kentucky fell upon it. Two other large trees on the west side sustained the major limb losses and damage.

This video was shot from across Federal Street during the storm. Images from the aftermath of the storm are in slideshow at bottom.

The Friends of Jefferson Square have always worked to make the park a special place with programming like our kids and movie nights, Christmas lights and daily maintenance programs to ensure that the park is always a welcoming place for all our neighbors. Especially in recent months the park’s use has grown into a unique place of respite and we have worked proudly to maintain its grounds as our neighbors have discovered the joy of sitting in the shade and spending time in the green outdoors in the heart of an urban landscape of asphalt and brick.

This damage is tragic, but with all things in nature, we can survive and grow from it.

  • Kentucky Coffee Tree destroyed in storm